Asian Rural Women's Coalition (ARWC)
Borne of the women's
continued resistance against imperialist globalization was the Asian Rural
Women's Regional Consultation held in the Philippines in 2007 (of 52 Asian
women from 14 countries) followed by the Asian Rural Women's Conference in 2008
held in Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu, India. The 2008 conference forged unity among
the 700 rural women leaders, national women's groups, regional networks
representing peasants, agricultural workers, indigenous women, Dalit women,
workers and migrants from around 21 countries in Asia and the Pacific. These
processes paved the way in the formation of the Asian Rural Women's Coalition
(ARWC) in March 2008.
From then to present, ARWC had immensely
contributed in putting forward the struggle for rights and interests of rural
women in Asia, through supporting initiatives of Asian women within their
countries (supporting advocacy work and local/national consultations, eg the
State-level Conference of Dalit Women in India; GABRIELA's national-level
consultations); sharing information at the regional and international levels
thru the ARWC list serve; and linking struggles of Asian rural women including
active participation in regional and international fora, conferences and
formations (recently, the formation of the International Women's Alliance).
July 2010, ARWC co-sponsored the Conference on Women Resisting Crisis and War:
A conference on the impacts and women's responses to the economic and climate
crises and war of the Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN). In August 2010,
ARWC also became active during the Montreal International Women's Conference.
ARWC is also engaged in the international policy advocacy work through the
Civil Society Forum of the FAO's Committee on Food Security and developing the
CSO's Guideline on Land and Natural Resources Tenure for the FAO.
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